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FTP Command List


! - Runs the specified command on the local computer.

? - Displays descriptions for FTP commands. ? is identical to help.

Append - Appends a local file to a file on the remote computer using the current file type setting. Append (Local File) (Remote File)

Ascii - Sets the file transfer type to ASCII, the default.

Bell - Toggles a bell to ring after each file transfer command is completed. By default, the bell is off.

Binary - Sets the file transfer type to binary.

Bye - Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits FTP.

Cd - Changes the working directory on the remote computer. Cd (Remote Directory)

Close - Ends the FTP session with the remote server and returns to the command interpreter.

Debug - Toggles debugging. When debugging is on, each command sent to the remote computer is printed, preceded by the string --->. By default, debugging is off.

Delete - Deletes files on remote computers. Delete (Remote File)

Dir - Displays a list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories. Dir (Remote Directory) (Local File)

Disconnect - Disconnects from the remote computer, retaining the FTP prompt.

Get - Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type. Get (Remote File) (Local File)

Glob - Toggles filename globbing. Globbing permits use of wildcard characters in local file or path names. By default, globbing is on.

Hash - Toggles hash-sign (#) printing for each data block transferred. The size of a data block is 2048 bytes. By default, hash mark printing is off.

Help - Displays descriptions for all the FTP commands. Help (Command) - Displays help for a specific command.

Lcd - Changes the working directory on the local computer. By default, the working directory is the directory in which ftp was started. Lcd (Directory)

Literal - Sends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server. A single FTP reply code is expected in return. Literal argument [ ...]

Ls - Displays an abbreviated list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories. Ls (Remote Directory) (Local File)

Mdelete - Deletes files on remote computers. Mdelete (Remote Files) [ ...]

Mdir - Displays a list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories. Mdir allows you to specify multiple files. Mdir (Remote Files) [ ...] (Local File)

Mget - Copies remote files to the local computer using the current file transfer type. Mget (Remote Files) [ ...]

Mkdir - Creates a remote directory. Mkdir (Directory)

Mls - Displays an abbreviated list of a remote directory's files and subdirectories. Mls (Remote Files) [ ...] (Local File)

Mput - Copies local files to the remote computer using the current file transfer type. Mput (Local Files) [ ...]

Open - Connects to the specified FTP server. Open (Computer) (Port)

Prompt - Toggles prompting. FTP prompts during multiple file transfers to allow you to selectively retrieve or store files; get and put transfer all files if prompting is turned off. By default, prompting is on.

Put - Copies a local file to the remote computer using the current file transfer type. Put (Local-File) (Remote File)

Pwd - Displays the current directory on the remote computer.

Quit - Ends the FTP session with the remote computer and exits FTP.

Quote - Sends arguments, verbatim, to the remote FTP server. A single FTP reply code is expected in return. Quote is identical to literal. Quote Argument [ ...]

Recv - Copies a remote file to the local computer using the current file transfer type. Recv is identical to get. Recv (Remote File) (Local File)

Remotehelp - Displays help for remote commands. Remotehelp [Command]

Rename - Renames remote files. Rename (Filename) (New Filename)

Rmdir - Deletes a remote directory. Rmdir (Directory)

Send - Copies a local file to the remote computer using the current file transfer type. Send is identical to put. Send (Local File) (Remote File)

Status - Displays the current status of FTP connections and toggles.

Trace - Toggles packet tracing; trace displays the route of each packet when running an ftp command.

Type - Sets or displays the file transfer type. Type (Type Name)

User - Specifies a user to the remote computer. User (Username) (Password) (Account)

Verbose - Toggles verbose mode. If on, all FTP responses are displayed; when a file transfer completes, statistics regarding the efficiency of the transfer are also displayed. By default, verbose is on.

Word Meanings


Specifies the argument to send to the FTP server.


Specifies the name of the command about which you want help. If command is not specified, ftp displays a list of all remote commands.

Local File

Specifies the local file to copy.

Remote File

Specifies the name to use on the remote computer. If not specified, the file is given the local-file name.

Type Name

Specifies the file transfer type; the default is ASCII. If type-name is not specified, the current type is displayed.

User Name

Specifies a user name with which to log in to the remote computer.


Specifies the password for user-name. If not specified, but required, ftp prompts for the password.


Specifies an account with which to log on to the remote computer. If account is not specified, but required, ftp prompts for the account.


Specifies the remote computer to connect to. Computer can be specified by IP address or computer name (a DNS or HOSTS file must be available). If auto-login is on (default), FTP also attempts to automatically log the user in to the FTP server (see Ftp to disable auto-login).


Specifies a port number to use to contact an FTP server.

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